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Student Life

Senior Year with Covid

On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, the +COVID-19 pandemic halted in-person learning, and schools shut down indefinitely. Worldwide students were forced to learn from home and teachers forced to teach from home. Social gatherings were also prohibited. The NHS Class of 2020 unfortunately missed out on the annual end of year festivities, but the class of 2021 has experienced little to nothing of a senior year as well


Student Life

NHS’ Upcoming Virtual College and Career Fair

Nutley High School’s annual College and Career Fair will be held on March 11, 2021. Due to Covid-19, certain restrictions have been implemented for students and representatives coming from different colleges and universities. To protect the safety of students and spokespeople, the fair will be conducted virtually. Students and parents, grades 10-12, will be given this opportunity to be informed directly by representatives coming from trade schools, military branches, and universities. 


Student Life

NHS Returns to School Virtually in September

As COVID-19 devastatingly hit the United States in March of 2020, schools prepared for a new way to teach their students safely. Virtual learning at Nutley High School was immediately put into place and students have been learning from home ever since. When Nutley Public Schools reopened this September, all students were taught virtually and the schedules differed from last spring. NHS classes are separated into G and H days, that are followed three days consecutively.

Student Life

First Day of High School, at Home?

Back to school looked a little different this year. Not only did the 2019-2020 school year get cut at the end due to COVID-19, many schools, including Nutley Public Schools,  still weren’t ready to allow students to come back into the building for September. Nutley students are continuing with virtual schooling for the start of the school year in their homes. For many, if not most students, this has been a difficult transition, missing out on parts of school that they’ve looked forward to for a while.

Student Life

Advice to Underclassmen

Having my senior year come to a close has made me reflect on my high school career. The four years I spent in Nutley High School were the best four years of my life. I made friendships that will last a lifetime and made so many memories. If I could give a few pieces of advice to the underclassmen I would say to take advantage of every opportunity, don’t be afraid to be yourself, and don’t sweat the small stuff.


Student Life

Thank You Nutley High School

I vividly remember my first day at Nutley High School. The butterflies walking into the building and the uncertainty of upperclassmen made me scared to be a freshman. It was before block scheduling and when homeroom was still a thing. I’ll always have memories of my first day of high school, however, I really don’t recall my last. All that comes to mind is hearing the announcement that we won’t be going back for two weeks and me believing that would be the case.

Student Life

The Plan for Colleges this Fall

Since early March, schools, universities, and colleges around the globe have shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic. While many hope that quarantine will soon lift, students around the world hope to return back to their classrooms in the fall. Public schools await until the fall gets closer to make any permanent decisions regarding the next year, but colleges and universities might have a different plan. 


Student Life

The New Way of Going To School

The thought of no school for most students sounds amazing, but this closure has proven to be anything but. The Coronavirus pandemic has closed over 124,000 United States public and private schools and has affected over 55 million students. Many states have been ordered to close all schools in their states. This left most schools with only three to four months until the year finished. School districts across the country had to quickly plan how to continue the school year in a way that would keep students home due to how rapidly the pandemic was growing.

Student Life

Will The Class of 2020 Have Their Final Goodbye?

The senior class of 2020 has been working hard for 12 years to have their one last chance to dance away at prom and get handed their diploma before moving on to the next chapter of their lives. Due to the coronavirus, NHS has been operating remotely.  Students and staff continue learning and teaching through virtual learning. The senior class has been wondering what will happen to prom and graduation. Will it happen or will they have to find another solution? 


Student Life

NHS Hosts Night of Nations

The Night of Nations took place on Thursday, February, 2020 at 5:30 in the NHS cafeteria. Tickets were sold in advance for $8. However, on the day of the event, they were sold for $10. At the event, there were different types of food, music to help recognize diversity in Nutley community, and schools. This event was created to help the community understand traditions and beliefs, and find new things they may enjoy.


Student Life

NHS sisters Angelica and Sofia Laracuente Travel to Poland to Represent the U.S.

As a little girl, where my dance career would take me was always questionable. From dreaming of owning my own studio, to being on Broadway, my goals changed as I grew older and dreamed more realistically. However, performing on an international stage this winter in Poland and becoming a world champion never crossed my mind, at any age. An experience like that happens to one in a million, and I am beyond grateful I was chosen. 


Student Life

Behind The Scenes Of The Class Of 2020

Mr. Bryan Abbio and Mrs. Jessica Coppola are the class advisors for the graduating class of 2020. Abbio and Coppola have been organizing and planning the activities since the class of 2020 entered as freshmen. Mr. Abbio is a history teacher at NHS and Mrs.Coppola teaches English. Mrs.Coppola says she feels, “being an advisor is a juggling act between doing right for the class and being an effective teacher.” 


Student Life

Lights, Camera, Action!!

Spotlights, music, and fun will fill the air as the Nutley High School seniors get to experience a night they will always remember. Every year, Nutley participates in a Senior Fashion Show that gives the students one more opportunity to express themselves and have fun with their friends. On January 9, 2020, the show will begin at 7:00 pm at the Valley Regency in Clifton. The upcoming show will cast 91 seniors, and is headed by senior mom, Mrs. Gemma Abernovich. 


Student Life

The International Thespian Society at NHS

Nutley High School is filled with talented and determined teenagers who engage in theatre. The International Thespian Society is an honor society for students in high school who participate and are involved in the performing arts and stage production. To be eligible for induction, students must earn 10 total points, which is roughly the equivalent of 100 hours of careful and devoted work in theatre, in all different kinds of capacities.

Student Life

"Cruisin' Outta" Nutley: Class of 2020

The ship has sailed as the senior class of Nutley High School took their lap around the Hudson on September 17, 2019 for the annual Senior Cruise. This tradition commemorates the beginning of the end of high school. With this event comes glamour from top-to-bottom as students fish for top notch outfits and pay for perfected hair. But, the anticipation is now over as the fancy food has been digested and the over-the-top pictures have been posted to Instagram


Student Life

NHS Prepares for Graduation; Looks Back at Prom

As the Nutley High School wraps up the end of the year, the staff prepares for graduation on Wednesday, Juen 26 and looks back at the Senior Prom, held on June 13 at The Grove.  


The Senior Prom took many months of behind-the-scenes planning, according to class advisers, Ms. Lauren Uckar and Ms. Jessica Coppola. “We needed to be in contact with the venue to get all the arrangements ready, and pricing and establishing a contract,” says Mrs.Uckar. “We have to have a centerpiece for each table and decide on a color scheme.”


Student Life

Fun in the Sun

Things To Do During Summer Vacation


Summer vacation is the chance for teenagers to experience things they’ve never done before and live life to the fullest. With no school, summer vacation allows us to do things we truly enjoy. Whether it is spending time with our family and friends to having a job for the summer, students have many options over summer break.


Student Life

The Night of Nights

Many young children fantasize about what our senior prom will be like, waiting for the day to become a reality. As it turns out, sometimes the vision inside your head, doesn't become a reality. But for better or worse, it's a right of passage in your teenage years.


Student Life

Summer Fitness Tips

With the scorching temperatures and endless distractions, summer can be one of the hardest times to stay motivated in your fitness efforts. It takes real dedication to hit the gym when you could be lounging by the pool. We all want to look and feel our best, especially in the summer, but once summer arrives, many people struggle to keep up with their fitness routines because of vacation and social plans. However, summer is a great time to stay in shape, because there are plenty of activities for everyone.