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Student Life

Importance of Summer Reading

When it comes to summer, reading is probably the last thing that comes to kids’ minds. They want to go to the beach and hang out with their friends, but as they do so they will not continue to grow and learn. Summer reading comes with its benefits even if everyone cannot see them.   


Student Life

Out of the Shadows: An Open Discussion for Mental Health Awareness Month

As you walk down the hallways, the students of Nutley High School act like every other stereotypical student; laughing, meeting around each other’s lockers, making plans for lunch. Yet, what may seem like the typical life of high schooler from the outside can actually hide crippling sadness and despair on the inside. As Mental Health Awareness Month comes to a close, I thought it would be important to shine a light on a mental illness that impacts about 1.9 million children ages 3 through 17 in America.

Student Life

NHS Students Share Their Thoughts on Netflix Programs

As a student, whenever we aren’t doing things such as homework or studying, we are spending time with family and/or friends, playing video games, sleeping, playing sports, and/or other activities. One thing that I definitely do in my spare time is watch hours worth of Netflix either alone or with my family/friends. Because there are so many different types of shows to watch on Netflix, it allows viewers to see what type of genre they prefer to watch, what actors/actresses they enjoy watching the most, what director creates the best style of show, and more.

Student Life

Lions and Tigers and Finals, Oh My

Tuesday, June 18th: Not that you need a reminder, but finals are right around the corner. Studying for finals can be a stressful period, especially if you’re struggling to find the time or the willpower to put in the necessary work. It can be difficult to find motivation during finals week when all you want to do is cozy up and drink lemonade, but don’t let yourself off the hook just yet. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated and survive finals week.


Student Life

NHS' Thoughts on Summer Fashion

As summer 2019 approaches, new clothes are coming in, hot and fast! Everyone wants to feel confident and comfortable during this season. Nothing says summer more than feeling confident in your own choice of stylish clothes. A few NHS students share their personal favorites with the Maroon and Gray.  


Student Life

Mastering Students’ Grades

Nutley High School students are working very hard, studying for their upcoming exams and quizzes. With tests each day, it can be hard to concentrate and focus on what needs to be mastered for their next upcoming one. Students have a variety of types of studying techniques. Many students study in various places such as their bedrooms, the kitchen table, and the library. To have successful grades, students need to have an overall grasp of their classes and the learning concepts.


Student Life

Society Expectations: Can They Be Crushed?

In society, there are many expectations that young people are supposed to follow. But why are we being pressured to follow them? In reality, these expectations and social norms are imposed by society and often bring stress into the lives of those who strive to follow them.


As a senior in high school, societal pressure starts to kick in and stress students out. Students are forced to focus and think that they need to go to college after high school, start a family after college, and get a job to support your family.


Student Life

Is Homework Really Necessary?

We Asked Students Their Views on Homework


From 8:05 a.m. to 2:53 p.m., every Monday through Friday, NHS students sit in the classroom learning new material on different subjects. Whether it be math, English, science, history, business, music, art, and any other NHS classes, students obtain new knowledge every day from teachers. However, when school is over, students are still required to do the work at home for the next class. The real question: is homework really necessary? 


Student Life

A Night to Remember

Junior Formal is a night to live it up with all your friends. It is a day that NHS students never forget, as part of their high school experience. From the music to the food, the Nutley High School formal is a priority on everyone's list.


The event took place in the school gym on Saturday, April 6, 2019, and 245 NHS students attended, along with class advisors and chaperones. Each ticket was $55 and the event raised about $9,000 for the junior class.


Student Life

Train Your Brain

Experiences with a mental health condition can affect the mind and body in different ways, especially in the young and developing brains of students. According to the National Association of Secondary Schools Principals, “one in five children and adolescents will face a significant mental health condition during their school years.

Student Life

Your Right to Resist

Peer pressure. That feeling that you have to do something to fit in, be accepted, or be respected, can be tough to deal with. The desire to fit in and feel like you are a part of a group is normal. Many people feel this way sometimes, especially in teen and early adult years. It can be obvious (friends telling you to do something) or less direct (seeing others at a party drinking alcohol and feeling left out if you don’t do the same).

Student Life

Providing Warmth to Children, One Blanket At a Time

It is easy to take certain luxuries in life for granted. People from a middle class demographic might not always stop to realize just how lucky they are to wake up every morning to utilities such as running water, proper heating, food, and entertainment. For the 2.5 million children that are rendered homeless in the United States each year, having just one of these resources would drastically improve their quality of life. Unfortunately, there is only so much that can be done to make a difference.

Student Life

Most Popular Student Lunch Spots in Nutley

Last year, Nutley High School began implementation of the Rotating Drop Schedule, which gives a common lunch hour to the entire school - students and staff. Curious to know how students use this time, the Maroon & Gray surveyed the student body. The entire NHS student body was offered the opportunity to take a survey about popular lunch locations in town.


Student Life

Nutley High School Seniors Commit to College

Senior year is full of surprises and fun activities, such as prom, the senior fashion show, and most importantly, applying to colleges. Tension rises as students send their best SAT scores and most well-written essays to their colleges of choice. The wait for responses seems to stretch on forever, but when students get accepted into colleges, it is the best feeling in the world.


Student Life

NHS Most Popular Elective: Culinary

As a student at Nutley High School, one can definitely say that the academic portion of the school day is taken very seriously. To make the students’ schedules more intriguing and personalized, the school offers several elective courses. An elective is a course chosen by the students based on their own personal interests. Because of this, the students at Nutley High School are able to focus on their passion.


Student Life

Parting Advice from NHS Seniors

On Tuesday November 21, the NHS journalism class turned the tables over to senior students, Natalia Acevedo, Joe Sasso, Camila Leon, and Skylar Peluso to get more insight about the year thus far to help students in younger grades know what to expect for their senior year.


As the year progresses, it is easy to infer based off of these interviews, that there is a lot to keep in mind as a senior, along with the fun and celebration.

Student Life

Fall and Winter Trends 2018

Fall and winter trends change every year. This year, there are many new styles and a wider variety of options. Depending on where you live or what you prefer, styles may have an impact on the way you live. For example, as the seasons start to change, you cover up or wear less depending on climate or preference. Oversized sweaters and hoodies seem to always be in style during these seasons. “It is comfortable and stylish. It gives me a reason to wear oversized hoodies daily,” said Vanessa Antonio, a freshman at Nutley High School.


Student Life

Black Friday: The Most Chaotic Shopping Day of the Year

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving where thousands of people swarm stores to get the best shopping deals of the year. Typically, this is the first day of the holiday shopping season. Black Friday first originated in 1869 during the crash of the U.S. gold market. Last year, U.S. retailers earned nearly $7.9 billion on Black Friday, according to Marketing News Weekly.