Advice to Underclassmen
Having my senior year come to a close has made me reflect on my high school career. The four years I spent in Nutley High School were the best four years of my life. I made friendships that will last a lifetime and made so many memories. If I could give a few pieces of advice to the underclassmen I would say to take advantage of every opportunity, don’t be afraid to be yourself, and don’t sweat the small stuff.
Coming into my freshman year I was very timid about high school. Most of my freshman year, I was quiet and did not really do much. But I soon came to realize that in order to be successful in high school and have fun you have to take advantage of everything. Whether it is in school or when you are home and debating on if you should go hangout with your friends, always do it. Time flies when you’re in high school and if you don’t take advantage of opportunities to do things at the end of your senior year you will regret it.
At the start of my freshman year I was very timid. But as time went on I began to realize that I could be whoever I wanted to be. I was no longer afraid to wear what I wanted or act how I wanted. This helped me tremendously because now that I was being myself and became comfortable I was more successful in school. I wasn’t so worried about what people thought and just started to focus on my school work and it showed.
So for the incoming freshman and the rest of the underclassmen don’t be afraid to express yourself and be you who are.