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Maintaining Mental Health for Students of NHS

As Nutley High School, transitioned into virtual learning, mental health has been prioritized, more than ever. As students learn from home, it is important that they engage in conversations about mental health, specifically on how to improve and maintain it. Virtual learning may bring various factors that strain mental wellness. Due to this, NHS has provided multiple resources and ways to reach out.


Governor Allows for July Celebrations for the Class of 2020

Governor Murphy announced on May 26th that the New Jersey Department of Education will allow school districts and college/universities to hold in-person graduation on July 6.  Due to COVID-19, all schools have been canceled for the rest of the year which means that graduations, proms, and end-of-the-year functions were canceled or held virtually. 



Travel Restrictions During COVID-19

As Covid-19 increased in cases over the months, travel restrictions have been put in place to reduce the spread of the virus and for the safety of the people. Certain states in the United States have just recently started to lift stay-at-home orders, but it is recommended that people traveling take certain precautions. These travel restrictions are not just in the United States. They have been set worldwide and will continue until cases begin to drastically drop or a cure is found.


How Will We Return Back to Normal?

As of May 26, there have been 1,704,110 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the United States and 153,104 cases in the state of New Jersey. Currently, there are 490 cases of COVID-19  and there have been 33 fatalities in Nutley.



Unknown Illness Most Likely Tied To COVID-19 Makes An Appearance Throughout America, Affecting Young Children

The number of children in America that have been hospitalized with the rare mysterious syndrome has been growing over the past few weeks. Most of these children have tested positive for the coronavirus or its antibodies. This information led researchers and doctors to believe that it is tied to COVID-19. While doctors and researchers are trying to pull out more information about this disease, CDC calls it an multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children.


Killer Hornets coming to the US

Killer Hornets, also called Murder Hornets, have been spreading fear across the nation. The first sighting of this Hornet in the U.S was last December, near Blaine, Washington, close to the Canadian border. The bees may have gotten here via a shipment from native Asia, where the Killer Hornets come from.



2020 Election During A Pandemic

The coronavirus has brought difficulties and confusion to the upcoming November 2020 election. The safety of the election has been threatened by the pandemic. During voting, the voters must touch the ballot screen. No voter should risk their health and life to expose themselves to touch a ballot box that many others have touched. This can cause problems and low voter turnout.  



Mental Health Concerns During Isolation

Keeping up with one’s mental health during this pandemic is extremely crucial to those vulnerable to the Coronavirus and the world. It may be very frustrating to be inside constantly, without hanging out with friends, carrying out everyday activities, and not seeing family. However, there are various steps and tips to avoid the exasperation of not going out and interacting with others in person. Maintaining a healthy mental state is most definitely one of them. 



How Coronavirus Has Impacted Nutley and New Jersey

On January 21, 2020, the first case of Coronavirus was confirmed in the United States. Since then, the global pandemic has impacted several other countries, with America being affected the most. As of X, there are 1,075,089 cases of COVID-19 in the country and 116,264 cases of the virus in the state of New Jersey. The number of cases is continuing to increase day by day, with health care workers and scientists struggling to develop a vaccine to mitigate the  spread of the virus.


The Importance of Journalism at this Time

In December of 2019, the CoronaVirus, now a worldwide pandemic, began in Wuhan, China. Over the course of three months, the amount of cases began to increase and spread to different countries, and eventually, the entire world. As the virus continues to affect millions of lives, it is important that people are notified and updated at all times about the amount of cases and how to stay safe in quarantine.


Shopping Safety Tips

When many Americans first heard of COVID-19, they panicked. Many  bought supplies like soap, toilet paper, face masks, and hand sanitizer in bulk. Buying supplies was a good way to start preparing for the virus. However,  it’s important to be careful and protect yourself when shopping.



How NJ Is Handling COVID-19

New Jersey is the second state with most cases of coronavirus right behind h New York. New Jersey has a total of 111,000 confirmed cases and 6,044 deaths as of April 28.  New Jersey is now at a “stay home to order.” All must stay home unless it is to go grocery shopping, work and some go for walks but must remain six feet apart from others. It is recommended to wear masks. 



Staying Positive during Quarantine

For those in the Nutley Public Schools, quarantine, self-isolation and virtual learning started on March 16, 2020. These have been difficult times, and everyone is getting slight cabin fever. With over 111,1188 infections in New Jersey as of April 27, it's safer to stay inside. Despite this, it doesn’t make it easier.



The Rise and Fall of Nutley Indoor Percussion 2020 Season

While the activity of Marching Band tends to be known by many, Indoor Percussion has yet to become a household name. Marching band includes wind and percussion instruments, competing outside on fields throughout the fall. Indoor Percussion, however, focuses only on percussion instruments with a few dancers, preforming indoors in gyms. While the Nutley Marching Band has been around for close to 100 years, the Nutley Indoor Percussion Ensemble is only in its fourth year. 



Coronavirus and its Global Effects

The Coronavirus, dubbed as COVID-19, has been taking the world by storm since it’s first diagnosis in Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019. From there, it spread to more than 146 different countries, including, but not limited, to the United States, Canada, Iran, Japan, Italy, France, India, the United Kingdom, Russia, and even Ireland. 



Lincoln School Food Pantry

Mrs. Nancy Thunell, an anti-bullying specialist at Lincoln School and Spring Garden, is the face behind many successful and helpful activities that occur within the community. Not only does she devote her time and energy into counseling the students at the elementary level, but she is also the club advisor for the St. John’s Club which collects food donations monthly to bring to St. John’s Church in Newark.