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Bring Back Manly Men

Fashion is more than just putting on a set of clothes. It is also a way for someone to express their artistry and sublime way of thinking. While these people are showing creativity, there are also those who may not be able to have the same perception. These people will do one of two things: they will either carry on with their lives being at peace with the fact that they do not have the same perception, or they will hate the fact that others cannot visualize and understand what they see and end up slandering someone because of the hatred.


Standing Up for a Cause

The year 2020 has been rough for us all. The deadly virus that has kept us all stuck in our homes and the amount of surprising deaths of celebrities have taken a toll on all of our hearts. But one thing that has affected many all with the same magnitude has been the Black Lives Matter Movement. This movement was formed by African Americans to combat police brutality, which has resulted in tragic deaths to people such as Breonna Taylor and George Floyd.


The Importance of Mental Health During 2020

2020 has been one of the most unforgettable, unprecedented, uncertain, hectic, disastrous and exhausting years I think any individual has ever experienced. From Kobe and Gianna Bryant's death, to the impeachment investigation, to the outbreak of Coronavirus, to George Floyd’s death, to the wildfires in the west coast, to the notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, to the impending election, 2020 has been a year no one will ever forget. Who knows what still awaits us in these last three months?



COVID-19... Let's Take it Seriously

Over the last six months, the deadly, contagious virus, COVID-19, has continued to infect more and more Americans every single day. As of October 1, there are 7,262,630 cases of COVID-19 and there have been 206,852 fatalities. With the news and social media constantly updating us, it’s been scary to see how many Americans have contracted the virus over time.


Once a Raider, Always a Raider

Sometimes you will never know the meaning of a moment until it becomes a memory. Going into high school as an incoming freshman, I was always told by upperclassmen things like “Don’t take it for granted,” “It goes by in the blink of an eye,” and more. I always brushed it off. I had four years ahead of me. Now that my high school career has come to an end, I wish I could have cherished every moment more than I ever did. 



Nutley Protest: Spotlight on Aria Jennings

On June 7th, hundreds of people marched through Nutley in solidarity in response to the recent deaths due to police brutality, specifically George Floyd of Minnesota. The protest started with a gathering in Yanticaw Park where people listened to the leaders of the protest as well as other black community members who spoke about personal experiences and the importance of the movement. 



Reflecting on Senior Year 

High school is coming to a close for the Class of 2020, and soon a new chapter will begin. Growing up in the changing society after 9/11/01, we are now living through a new change in society to add on top of that. Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, there was already talk of the new ways that people will need to adapt to these growing concerns about the spread of the virus. 



Things I'll Miss About NHS

NHS is such a great place, with great teachers, artwork shown on the walls of the hallway, but one thing I’ll really miss is my friends. I moved four years ago to New York from Nutley, leaving my friends behind. Moving back in September, to attend the same school, with my old friends was like a dream come true. Being able to catch up with them face-to-face and not using a phone felt great. Of course I miss my other friends from New York. I still contact them, and hopefully see them again one day.


Why I'm Excited For What's Next

Like many other high school seniors out there, this is not how I thought my senior year would end. When we got the news that we were going to be out of school for about two weeks, everyone was like, “Sweet! Two week break,” but little did we know that those were our last moments in high school. It’s been three months since and it still feels so strange. Although I’m extremely sad of what we lost- prom and [possibly] graduation- I’m very excited for the future. 



What I've Learned During Quarantine

After being stuck at home for the past four months and for the foreseeable future, I have learned a few things. In these times that we are all going through, I feel as though it is extremely difficult to look at the positives. I have had a hard time doing so, since senior year was ruined and the uncertainty of college life next year is looming. 



Nutley’s Black Lives Matter Protest

At 11:30 a.m. on June 7, 2020,  I stood in a clearing within a crowd of over 100 people near Yanticaw’s Frank Cocchiola Playground. The Township of Nutley organized a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest to join the millions of voices across the country. Signs were held up high in the air, ranging from “Educators for Black Lives” to the names of victims of police brutality. 



In Times of Uncertainty, Who Can We Really Trust?

In these times of uncertainty, the public just wants real answers. People are finding it very hard to trust others in regards to their own health and safety, and some feel that our own government is now questionable. The release of the COVID-19 conspiracy video, Plandemic, was all over social media. It was then removed from Youtube, as some believe it revealed what may be going on behind closed doors.



SNL at Home: A Hit or a Miss?

Saturday Night Live has been around for decades and when a show has been around for that long, there are many examples of downfalls the show has made. With the world going into quarantine, SNL had to halt production on its current season. However, it was decided that they would create three “at home” episodes.


What it is Like Being a High School Senior in Quarantine

I never thought that I would have to write an article such as this one, nor do I want to write it now. The coronavirus expanded in what seems like seconds and has now altered the lives of everyone across the globe. Now, we are all struggling, trying to grasp a society that once seemed a dystopia to us all. In this article, I am breaking the barriers of formal journalism and writing an account of feelings that seniors, including myself, are experiencing in a time of uncertainty, disbelief, and trepidation. 


Benefits That Might Come From Quarantine

The pandemic that is COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, has been affecting many worldwide. Many countries, including the U.S. have been on a country-wide quarantine since the middle of March, so staying positive during this very negative time has been difficult for many. However, since being on this quarantine, there have been many positives that have come from it.


Is COVID-19 a Message from Mother Nature?

In today’s society, no matter where you are in the world, it's fast moving and non-stop. This is especially an issue in large, more-developed cities. Because people are always out and about going to work, traveling on vacation or just to explore the world, taking the children to practice or music lessons, or simply going to a friend’s house a few blocks over, pollution is a very prominent issue in the world, and has been for countless years. 



Review: Rock of Ages: High school edition

On March 2nd, Nutley High School traveled back 40 years with the  debut of its spring musical Rock of Ages: High School Edition. Although this production consisted of teenagers, individuals who had not been part of the rock experience of the 1980s, I am happy to say that I, a teenager, “wanted to rock” more than I ever had before.


Surviving Music Festivals

Music festivals have been around for decades and are increasing in popularity  today. There are people, like me, who grew up going to concerts and even these festivals. Most people who have never been to a concert are going to these music festivals like Governors Ball, Coachella, and Made in America without the proper knowledge and preparation for these events.