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Marvel's Hawkeye Review

by Ariela Acevedo, Freelancer


With Marvel Phase 4 well under way, the newest installment, Hawkeye, debuted the week of Thanksgiving, joining Marvel’s catalog of TV shows. The show itself follows Kate Bishop, daughter of Derek and Elizabeth Bishop, and Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye, as they unravel the secrets of the Tracksuit Mafia and face the demons of Barton’s past.



“13 Ways To Screw Up Your College Interview” Takes The Stage

“13 Ways To Screw Up Your College Interview” made its opening debut Friday December 3rd at Nutley High School. Both cast and audience members discussed how they felt the play went, and their feelings towards both the play and their performance. Before this performance took place, hardworking students practiced after school, and at lunch perfecting their parts, making absolutely sure the show was a hit…and it sure was!



Kyle Rittenhouse’s Lethal Pursuit of Happiness is America’s Legacy

Kyle Rittenhouse is a free man as of Friday, November 19, and the explanation for this resides in America’s troubling interpretation of “freedom” that has always relied on division.


Thomas Jefferson’s credo of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” has inspired Americans for centuries, but the philosophy that inspired Jefferson’s words actually deprives people of freedom.



Kim Kardashian West was on SNL?

Kim Kardashian West, an entrepreneur, influencer, and reality TV star, hosted Saturday Night Live (SNL) on October 9, 2021. When it was announced that Kim Kardashian West was going to host, there were mixed emotions simply because she is a Kardashian. 



NFL Season Power Rankings

As we wrap up week seven of the NFL regular season, some teams have regularly performed well each week. This year has come with many surprises as some of last year’s top teams have regressed drastically while others have prevailed and had the spotlight on them since week one. While some teams have failed to perform to the highest potential, it is never too late for a team to elevate their game to the next level and leave their mark on the league for years to come.


The Problem with DMCA



Its been everywhere recently, from official articles to tangents on videos by your favorite creators. But what is it really?


DMCA, or the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, has become a major concern on the internet recently, for both creators and consumers. It was a copyright law that was passed in 1998 to help cut down on unlawful usage of copyrighted content. 



2021 Met Gala: Top 10

The Met Gala was held on September 13, 2021.Typically, one of the largest fashion events of the year,  it was held off for 16 months due to Covid-19. Hosted by Vogue, this year's theme was “In America: A lexicon fashion” Personally, I wasn’t a huge fan of the theme, but some people did look amazing with the theme in mind, others looked great but completely ignored the theme. 

Following, is my personal top 10 list.


America Has Abandoned the Women of Afghanistan

As the Americans leave Afghanistan, Afghan forces collapse and the Taliban again grab power, the United States is looking at more than $2 trillion spent on two decades of war that killed 47,000 Afghan civilians, 69,000 Afghan military and police and nearly 6,300 Americans, according to the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, and asking: What was it for?



Pokemon Remakes 4th Generation of Games

Pokemon is the largest franchise in the world, comprising all sorts of media, and with millions of fans. They have access to some of the finest minds in the video game community to help develop their games. So why is it that they’re going downhill? The answer is complicated but it basically boils down to this: corporate greed.



Florida School Edits Girls' Yearbook Photos

Opening a yearbook is usually a moment of excitement for most students, however for one of Florida’s 1,485 public high schools, 80 students were shocked to see that their portraits had been altered to cover their chests and shoulders. All of the students were female and none were consulted by the school administration in regards to the edits.



The One Year Anniversary

On May 25, 2021, the world was reminded of the murder of George Floyd from last year. The infamous act of police brutality took the nation by storm last spring when we were just starting to be affected by the COVID virus. The video of former officer Derek Chauvin putting his knee on Floyd’s neck for eight minutes and forty-six seconds went viral across social media, which sparked desire into the hearts of activists and protesters that a change in our society is needed. 



As One Chapter Closes, Another Opens

High school; four years of laughter, joy, sadness, and memories that will last a lifetime. Back in 2017 when I entered Nutley High School, I knew I’d be here for four years and at the time that seemed like forever, but in all honesty it went by in what seems like the blink of an eye. Now the class of 2021 is about a week away from graduation and a new chapter of our lives. 



My Experience On Getting Vaccinated And Why I Feel It Is So Important

The Covid-19 pandemic has left the world in a state of chaos for more than a year. For Americans, the pandemic experiences have been a whirlwind of damage to families, friends, and personally as well. The public has been on edge, waiting for something to be done to stop the spread of COVID. Scientists have been working endlessly on developing an effective and safe vaccine since January of 2020. 



The 2021 NFL Draft

The 2021 NFL draft will begin Thursday, April 29th, and will end on Saturday, May 1st. The players in this 2021 draft are really athletic and have a bright future. Some of the players put up big performances in college and, in my opinion, NFL coaches are going to be happy whoever they land in the draft.



Sports, but No School?

For almost a year, students and teachers have been learning and working at home due to Covid-19. As things started to open up around the state of New Jersey, the districts have been trying to bring back a little bit of normalcy. The Governor has allowed high school sports to take place, at various levels and with precautions, since the fall.


The Disaster

On January 6, 2021, a traumatic experience occurred that would forever affect our nation’s history. A mass assemblage of supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. in response to presidential victory Joseph R. Biden. Trump expressed the anger of his defeat numerous times to the media since the November election and believed there was an error in the process of counting the votes.



A House Divided Cannot Stand

On Wednesday January 6, 2021, a group of domestic terrorists invaded the U.S. Capitol building as lawmakers met to certify the electoral college votes for President Elect Biden. Earlier in the day, President Trump had directed his supporters to “fight like hell,” “stop the steal” of the election, and go to the capitol building during his “Save America” rally.