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Ms. Gumbs' Experience At NHS So Far

Ms. Gumbs is a Geophysical and Marine Science teacher who recently transferred to Nutley High School this year. Previously, she taught at Clifton High School and taught in Jersey City. And she has been in the education field for three years. She has always had a love for teaching and learning about her new students. Ms.Gumbs spoke to the Maroon and Gray on December 10, 2019, about her experience being a new teacher at Nutley High School. 



The Achievements Of Samantha Gabriele

In Nutley High School, many students come and go, leaving their mark behind them as they graduate.  Many are remembered as someone who played sports, got good grades, or for being a great role model. A senior, who will graduate later this year, embodies all of these things, Samantha Gabriele.  Samantha, or also known as Sam, is a student-athlete on the varsity girls soccer team and track teams who works hard at what she does to make sure her goals are accomplished.   



In Memory of James Vincent Tricarico

On November 15, 2019, the Tricarico family of Nutley lost someone very important, their son and brother, James Vincent Tricarico. James was a celebrity in Nutley. If you ask anyone who lives in town about him, they knew who he was. The Nutley native attended Nutley High School for six years and graduated in 2006 and also worked as a Secretarial Aide for the high school for 13 years. He also worked for the Nutley ShopRite and called himself “the Mayor of ShopRite.” People who have visited the high school or the Nutley ShopRite were always given a warm welcome.


The Southern Fried Maniac

Host of 105.5 WDHA’s radio show, “Rockturnal,” Scotty B., also known as the “Southern Fried Maniac," has been in radio for about 35 years, and he knows everything there is to know about the industry. He learned about the music business through hard work and dedication. Rocking out from 7pm to midnight on weeknights, the northern Florida native knows how to have a good time on air. 



Life of a New Teacher at Nutley High

Mrs. Granelli is a new Geophysical and Environmental science teacher at Nutley High School and has just recently joined the NHS community. While Mrs. Granelli will only be here for the rest of the year, she has come to work as an in-class support teacher in the science department. She stated that she has always had a love for teaching and working with students. Mrs. Granelli spoke about her experience at Nutley High so far, her teaching history before she came to NHS, and what she hopes to accomplish for the rest of the year. 



Mr. Johnson- The New School Counselor

Being a school counselor is not for the faint of heart. Students come to them throughout the day to ask for advice, change their classes, and sometimes just to talk about the things that have been bothering them. In this day and age where people are encouraged to talk about their mental health, a counselor has their hands full constantly. They face each and every person they see with respect and attention.



Day of Service: Insight Into Volunteering

At Nutley High School, in mid-October and early Spring, students have the opportunity to take part in community service, either within the building or around Nutley. Not only does the community benefit from this day, the students do, too. They get their service hours for college which helps add to their college resume.  This event was organized by the NHS Student Council. 


This year, the school offered a plethora of volunteer options at locations such as the Nutley Family Service Bureau, Washington Elementary School, NHS.


Building Bridges to New Cultures

In a high school setting, it is normal to have friend groups and “cliques.” By this age, teenagers have their set friends and don’t really make an effort to make new ones. It is hard for new students to make friends and blend into groups of people who have been friends for years, but it is especially hard for ESL students to put themselves out there into mainstream high school. This year at NHS, Mrs. Julie Mitschow, Coordinator of World Languages and ESL, came up with a solution to end this cycle. 



Braden Somers; A 13 Year Old Businesswoman

Local businesses have always been crucial to small towns like Nutley. Many companies in town have been around for generations. However, Nutley also stands as a great place to start a completely brand new business. In April of this year, Nutley Public Schools held its second annual Trep$ Marketplace. The marketplace encouraged students, in grades four through eight, to chase after their business ideas and try to make them into a reality. For JHWMS eighth grader, Braden Somers, this marketplace gave her a start to a new company.


All It Takes is a Hello

All across the country, there have been countless mass shootings occurring in schools, malls, grocery stores, and churches in 2019 alone. On December 14, 2012, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred in Newtown, Connecticut. Sandy Hook Promise was founded by parents and loved ones who lost family members on that day. According to their website, their goal is to, “create a culture engaged in preventing shootings, violence, and other harmful acts in schools.”



Nutley High School Takes on a New Healthy Change

Nutley High School offers its students multiple opportunities to contribute to the community around them, while also providing great ways to earn volunteer hours. One of those opportunities is to be part of clubs at NHS like the Human Relations Club, where members do volunteer work around town. One of the volunteer jobs the club does is planning and hosting parties for the elders in Nutley's senior homes. The club also participated in Project Linus, a non-profit organization which creates and distributes homemade blankets to children in need.


Take Me Out to the Ball Game… 2,441 Miles Away

If you ask almost any student in high school right now if they’ve ever owned an Instagram fan account for a celebrity, sports player or team, the answer would likely be yes. They probably would tell you that the account wasn’t gaining enough followers and likes so they stopped using that account and gave up on their dreams of their idol noticing them. For Jaron Kiviat, that most certainly is not the case. In April 2014, he created his account for the New York Mets on Instagram, NYM_NEWS. Now with 73.4K followers and counting, the senior in high school is thriving.



Camp Nutley Now Open for Registration

Summer is the warmest of all the seasons; the days are longer. With all the exciting events that go with summer, the days fly by without notice. Here in Nutley, there are many events and opportunities for adventure and exploration, one of them being Nutley's annual summer camp which is held in town at the Parks and Recreation Department at 44 Park Ave. Camp Nutley offers other amenities such as a recreation gym, Owens and Glotzbach Parks. 



Senior Lisle Hill Leads NHS Robotics Team

Tucked into the end of the hallway in the first floor annex, the Nutley High School Robotics Team prepares their very own automated creations for competition. Programmers work to write code for the robot to give it directions, while builders create the structure. Senior Lisle Hill leads the group as captain, and has worked as a builder and driver, but stepped back this year to prepare underclassmen for future years.



NHS Culinary Class Remains a Favorite for Students

Nutley High School's Culinary Arts Program gives students the chance to learn more about cooking different recipes, basic foods, and the concept of giving back to the community.  The class is the most popular elective at NHS because most students are interested in cooking and food.The teachers for the program are  Mr. John Gulardo and Mr. Tarik Huggins. They put a lot of effort into the class to make it a great experience for the students taking it. It takes a lot of hard work to teach high schoolers how to cook.