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Nutley Girl's Flag Football End Season with High Hopes

The Nutley Raiders Girls Flag Football team ended their 2024 season on May 13 with a 21-8 loss against St. Benedict’s Prep. Despite the loss, the girls managed to finish first in their division and earn a spot in the playoffs. Their first playoff game will be against West Orange in Ridgewood on Saturday, May 18. If they defeat West Orange, they will face Ridgewood.


The young team was formed in Spring 2022 and was originally sponsored by the New York Jets, which had launched their Flag Football Program the previous year. However, the Jets’ sponsorship ended last year, and, as a result, the girls had to begin fundraising to keep the team active, although they still play games in the leagues created and managed by the New York Jets Program. 


“The Jets were the first team to sponsor us and many other teams in New Jersey. They gave us our jerseys and flags that we still use,” Senior Captain Elizabeth DeSantis said. Last March, DeSantis and Senior Gianna Pizzano, another captain, were invited to the Jets’ Media Day where they met Nausicaa Dell'Orto. “We learned a lot from different flag football teams in New Jersey, as well as from the Italian Women’s National team captain, Nausicaa Dell'Orto. She taught us about being a woman in sports and her determination to play a male-dominated sport,” said DeSantis. 


So far, the girls have held one fundraiser. “It was more of a snap fundraiser; we signed up for it before the season even started and it ended two months ago. A snap fundraiser is when you give the website a whole bunch of user’s emails and it sends them emails about how they can help," said Freshman Amerie Chin, a player on the team. “We were able to raise about $3,000 and that money went towards our team’s equipment.” 


DeSantis has always had an interest in football. “I was inspired to start football because of my dad. I’ve always watched Steelers games with him from a very young age, asking him questions about their plays and the rules. When I found out Nutley was starting a women’s flag football team I knew I had to try it out.” 


With all the work the team has been putting in so far, the girls have gathered the attention of Giants wide receiver Isaiah McKenzie. “[McKenzie] came after our second game, and from there he’s come to more of our games to help our defensive players and our offensive players when it comes to running and catching the ball,” said Chin. “I was super excited when Isaiah Mckenzie became part of our team, as he is someone from the NFL. He has taught a lot of the girls how to run without getting their flags pulled easily which has helped a lot. It has definitely been a learning process for him and us together as he continues to learn our plays and the nature of our team,” said DeSantis.


DeSantis has many memories of this past season.  “A memorable moment was coming back in the second half of our game against Montclair and winning. We started off this game on the wrong foot and were losing right from the start. After a talk with all our coaches and teammates, we picked each other up and changed our mindset for the second half. We came out as an entirely different team. As Mr. Porrino has said, ‘Football is a team sport, so without each other, we would not have been able to win some of these games we have this season.’ That moment taught me about working as a team and learning through our weaknesses.” And in addition to the game, even the little things with such a close-knit team can be enjoyed. “My all-time favorite part is the bus rides going to games and the music choices that my teammates choose. I always enjoy feeling the music with my friends, and the vibes are great,” Chin said.


The state of New Jersey does not recognize girls’ flag football as an official sport, so all of the teams run as a club; however, the league will be an official sport next year, and the Nutley team will compete under our school’s Athletic Department. “I hope for the team to continue to diversify and for more girls to feel welcome to it. I love seeing girls from different age groups join the club because they want to be involved in something, especially a sport. As for younger teammates who are trying new things out, it is super important to find what you love and have fun while doing it. I can’t wait to see the club turn into an actual sport so it can become more competitive,” DeSantis said.